US-Israel Mutual Defense Pact?


US President Trump announced on Twitter today that he spoke to Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu regarding "the possibility of moving forward with a Mutual Defense Treaty, between the United States and Israel." He indicated that the two leaders would discuss the proposal during the UN General Assembly in New York, which begins next Tuesday.

Although the President provided no further information regarding the framework or timing of such a deal, in general, mutual defense treaties (such as Article 5 of the NATO charter) stipulate that an attack on one member state is an attack on all members, and all parties to the treaty are obligated to come to each other's defense in a time of war. Such a treaty between the United States and the Jewish State - teetering on the brink of war with Iran - would be a major development. It would also set a precedent for other nations, as the US embassy move to Jerusalem has prompted several other nations to follow suit over the past year.

We will continue to monitor the development of such a deal, and would ask our global partners to continue to remain vigilant and prayerful in these uncertain times. Eighteen years after 9/11, it seems clear that we are quickly approaching another important hinge in history.

Shalom from Israel.

