New Details About Iranian Base in Syria

Satellite imagery Sherwin the Iranian base under construction near al-Bukamal (Credit: ImageStat International).

Satellite imagery Sherwin the Iranian base under construction near al-Bukamal (Credit: ImageStat International).

More details emerged last week regarding the new Iranian military base being constructed in Syria near al-Bukamal. The complex includes barracks to house thousands of troops, and reinforced structures typically used for storing valuable military hardware. The base is in "advanced stages" of construction and could be operational within the next six months.

The revelations come at a precipitous time, when Israel has all but admitted to striking Iranian proxy forces in Iraq responsible for transporting military hardware for Iran, and after several incidents between the IDF and Hezbollah along the Israeli-Lebanese border have threatened war. The al-Bukamal base demonstrates Iran's long-term resolve to have a large-scale, permanent presence across the Shi'a Crescent from Tehran to Israel's doorstep.


Gabriel CaligiuriIran, Syria, Israel, IDF