Iranian Bases, Nuclear Restart Stoke Tensions

Iranian Presdient Rouhani speaks to the Iranian Parliament on Wednesday, Sept 3 about the resumption of nuclear centrifuge activity.(Credit: Atta Kenare)

Iranian Presdient Rouhani speaks to the Iranian Parliament on Wednesday, Sept 3 about the resumption of nuclear centrifuge activity.(Credit: Atta Kenare)


Significant developments in the brewing conflict between Israel and Iran after Iranian President Rouhani announced full resumption of the Iranian nuclear program on Wednesday, including the production of nuclear fuel in centrifuges, calling the move the “most important step yet" in Iran's resurgent nuclear program. The final collapse of the Iranian Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) kicked off a flurry of diplomacy, including meetings between Israeli PM Netanyahu and IDF officials with UK defense officials, and a meeting between British PM Boris Johnson and American VP Mike Pence in London today. US President Trump also sent diplomatic overtures to Iran, suggesting that he is willing to meet personally with Rouhani at the UN General Assembly to achieve a new deal. Both the Trump Administration and the Netanyahu cabinet have previously described the production of weapons-grade nuclear fuel as a "red line" which they would not allow Iran to cross. Even Turkish President Erdogan waded into the fray, suggesting that Turkey has a right to pursue the development of nuclear weapons as well, raising the specter of a Middle Eastern nuclear arms race.

Meanwhile, an in-depth analysis was released exposing the construction of a large Iranian base near al-Bukamal, Syria. The large complex would be the first of its kind for the Iranian regime, sitting at the cross-roads of two intersecting land bridges between Iran, Syria and Lebanon, signaling that the radical Shi'a regime intends to lay down permanent infrastructure in the Middle East to achieve its long-term strategy of destroying the Jewish State.

As always, we ask for you to pray and share this post with your Jewish and Christian friends. Pivotal days are ahead in the Middle East. Shalom from Israel.
